Spiritual art 3D

gouden piramide

S p i r i t u a l   A r t

The Golden Heart spiritual arts distinguish themselves through the frequent use of 24 carat gold. On earth, in the material world, gold is the true representation of LOVE. In addition the Golden Heart Art is characterized by her simplicity and near perfect shape. Further more is Love, as formed by Golden Hearts, a repeating element. The spiritual art and the used symbols exert a powerful influence on the heart chakra. Merely through looking your heart is filled with Love-energy. The following 3D spiritual art is based on sacred geometry. © copyright Nenno de Zoete, Dordrecht.

S p i r i t u a l   s y m b o l s

The applied spiritual symbols represent and picture, next to love, deep spiritual knowledge and wisdom. In fact they are powerful tools that inspire and “cleanse” man. Tools in such a way that the artworks are very suitable to meditate with. To describe your experiences when you look at an artwork, some words like joy, surrender, Unification and of course Love spring to mind. The exact experience is dependent upon the spiritual development of the individual and the meaning of the object. The 3D artworks are an integral part of the work of The Golden Heart. This work encompasses the gilding of man, the gilding of the heart. In fact transformation through alchemy.

s a c r e d   g e o m e t r i c   s y m b o l s

The Golden Heart artworks are Alpha – Omega. Their meaning and shape relate to the fundamentals of Life. What is represented is the essence of Life. The spiritual view is that all is Love and one can see this in the geometrical patterns in the core of life. Beyond the applied symbols all geometrical symbols cease to exist. What remains are the single dot and the circle. They are the ultimate perfect shape, the pinnacle of beauty.

B e y o n d   d u a l i t y

nenno de zoete

4 x i = makes a Cross. i am Life, i am Love, i am All, i am One. The circle symbolizes perfection just like the dot on the i. Beyond Duality is the signature of nenno de zoete.



F l o a t i n g   G o l d e n   S p h e r e

The Golden Sphere pictures perfection and symbolizes theSelf. The cube is the symbol of the kingdom of man, the earth. Rama with floating golden sphere (10 x 10 cm). Cube (25 x 25 x 25 cm)


 p y r a m i d  –  t r a n s f o r m a t i o n

14 pyramids stacked together make one large pyramid which is placed in a cube of 33,3 x 33,3 x 33,3 cm. The pyramid is the symbol of transformation and provides transforming powers. Multiple pyramids increase these transforming powers. The 24 carat gold symbolizes Love. The Cube represents the earth. It is possible to place fourteen pyramids on each of the six insides of the cube.

T h e   p r o c e s s : T a p   o r   s w i p e  the photo to stop or continue


G o l d e n   s p h e r e   i n   g o l de n   c u b e

The Golden Globe pictures perfection. The cube stands for the human realm the earth. This work of art is also a model for a building to be realized, made of natural stone, measuring 10 meters x 10 meters x 10 meters. This is then the most powerful meditation space in the world, in which you as a visitor only see gold all around. AUM! Golden globe (9 x 9 cm) in golden cube, (23 x 23 cm).  


G o l d e n   C u b e   i n   g o l d e n   c u b e 

golden cube in golden cube

This work of art is also a model for a building to be realized, made of natural stone, measuring 10 meters x 10 meters x 10 meters. This is then the most powerful meditation space in the world, in which you as a visitor only see gold all around. AUM! Hypercube. Golden cube (8 x 8 cm), the inside of the cube (25 x 25 cm).


T h e   m y s t e r y

golden cube

golden cube in golden cube

By opening the large golden cube, a Jesus cross unfolds with a small cube on the heart.


golden cross with golden pyramids

By opening the small golden Cube, another Jesus cross is formed, with golden pyramids on the 6 sides of the cross. These 6 golden pyramids completely fill the small golden cube when closed.